Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BlueSky: A Cloud-Backed File System for the Enterprise

by M. Vrable et al., FAST 2012.
Abstract:We present BlueSky, a network file system backed by cloud storage. BlueSky stores data persistently in a cloud storage provider such as Amazon S3 or Windows Azure, allowing users to take advantage of the reliability and large storage capacity of cloud providers and avoid the need for dedicated server hardware. Clients access the storage through a proxy running on-site, which caches data to provide lower-latency responses and additional opportunities for optimization. We describe some of the optimizations which are necessary to achieve good performance and low cost, including a log-structured design and a secure in-cloud log cleaner. BlueSky supports multiple protocols—both NFS and CIFS—and is portable to different providers.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Distributed Directory Service in the Farsite File System

by J. Douceur et al., OSDI 2006.
We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of a fully distributed directory service for Farsite, a logically centralized file system that is physically implemented on a loosely coupled network of desktop computers. Prior to this work, the Farsite system included distributed mechanisms for file content but centralized mechanisms for file metadata. Our distributed directory service introduces tree-structured file identifiers that support dynamically partitioning metadata at arbitrary granularity, recursive path leases for scalably maintaining name-space consistency, and a protocol for consistently performing operations on files managed by separate machines. It also mitigates metadata hotspots via file-field leases and the new mechanism of disjunctive leases. We experimentally show that Farsite can dynamically partition file-system metadata while maintaining full file-system semantics.

Ceph: A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

by S. Weil et al., OSDI 2006.

We have developed Ceph, a distributed file system that provides excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. Ceph maximizes the separation between data and metadata management by replacing allocation ta- bles with a pseudo-random data distribution function (CRUSH) designed for heterogeneous and dynamic clus- ters of unreliable object storage devices (OSDs). We leverage device intelligence by distributing data replica- tion, failure detection and recovery to semi-autonomous OSDs running a specialized local object file system. A dynamic distributed metadata cluster provides extremely efficient metadata management and seamlessly adapts to a wide range of general purpose and scientific comput- ing file system workloads. Performance measurements under a variety of workloads show that Ceph has excellent I/O performance and scalable metadata manage- ment, supporting more than 250,000 metadata operations per second.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Hadoop Distributed File System

by K. Shvachko et al., MSST 2010.

The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is designed to store very large data sets reliably, and to stream those data sets at high bandwidth to user applications. In a large cluster, thousands of servers both host directly attached storage and execute user application tasks. By distributing storage and computation across many servers, the resource can grow with demand while remaining economical at every size. We describe the architecture of HDFS and report on experience using HDFS to manage 25 petabytes of enterprise data at Yahoo!. 

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The Google File System

by S. Ghemewat., SOSP 2003.

We have designed and implemented the Google File Sys- tem, a scalable distributed file system for large distributed data-intensive applications. It provides fault tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivers high aggregate performance to a large number of clients.
While sharing many of the same goals as previous dis- tributed file systems, our design has been driven by obser- vations of our application workloads and technological envi- ronment, both current and anticipated, that reflect a marked departure from some earlier file system assumptions. This has led us to reexamine traditional choices and explore rad- ically different design points.
The file system has successfully met our storage needs. It is widely deployed within Google as the storage platform for the generation and processing of data used by our ser- vice as well as research and development efforts that require large data sets. The largest cluster to date provides hun- dreds of terabytes of storage across thousands of disks on over a thousand machines, and it is concurrently accessed by hundreds of clients.
In this paper, we present file system interface extensions designed to support distributed applications, discuss many aspects of our design, and report measurements from both micro-benchmarks and real world use.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

zFS – A Scalable Distributed File System Using Object Disks

by O. Rodeh et al., MSST 2003.

zFS is a research project aimed at building a decentral- ized file system that distributes all aspects of file and stor- age management over a set of cooperating machines inter- connected by a high-speed network. zFS is designed to be a file system that scales from a few networked computers to several thousand machines and to be built from commodity off-the-shelf components.
The two most prominent features of zFS are its coop- erative cache and distributed transactions. zFS integrates the memory of all participating machines into one coher- ent cache. Thus, instead of going to the disk for a block of data already in one of the machine memories, zFS re- trieves the data block from the remote machine. zFS also uses distributed transactions and leases, instead of group- communication and clustering software.
This article describes the zFS high-level architecture and how its goals are achieved.

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Ivy: A Read/Write Peer-to-Peer File System

by A. Muthitacharoen et al., OSDI 2002.

Abstract: Ivy is a multi-user read/write peer-to-peer file system. Ivy has no centralized or dedicated components, and it provides useful integrity properties without requiring users to fully trust either the underlying peer-to-peer storage system or the other users of the file system. 

An Ivy file system consists solely of a set of logs, one log per participant. Ivy stores its logs in the DHash distributed hash table. Each participant finds data by consulting all logs, but performs modifi cations by appending only to its own log. This arrangement allows Ivy to maintain meta-data consistency without locking. Ivy users can choose which other logs to trust, an appropriate arrangement in a semi-open peer-to-peer system.

Ivy presents applications with a conventional file system interface. When the underlying network is fully connected, Ivy provides NFS-like semantics, such as close-to-open consistency. Ivy detects confl icting modifi cations made during a partition, and provides relevant version information to application-specifi c confl ict resolvers. Performance measurements on a wide-area network show that Ivy is two to three times slower than NFS.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Shark: Scaling File Servers via Cooperative Caching

by S. Annapureddy et al., NSDI 2005.

Network file systems offer a powerful, transparent inter- face for accessing remote data. Unfortunately, in current network file systems like NFS, clients fetch data from a central file server, inherently limiting the system’s ability to scale to many clients. While recent distributed (peer-to- peer) systems have managed to eliminate this scalability bottleneck, they are often exceedingly complex and pro- vide non-standard models for administration and account- ability. We present Shark, a novel system that retains the best of both worlds—the scalability of distributed systems with the simplicity of central servers. 
Shark is a distributed file system designed for large- scale, wide-area deployment, while also providing a drop- in replacement for local-area file systems. Shark intro- duces a novel cooperative-caching mechanism, in which mutually-distrustful clients can exploit each others’ file caches to reduce load on an origin file server. Using a dis- tributed index, Shark clients find nearby copies of data, even when files originate from different servers. Perfor- mance results show that Shark can greatly reduce server load and improve client latency for read-heavy workloads both in the wide and local areas, while still remaining competitive for single clients in the local area. Thus, Shark enables modestly-provisioned file servers to scale to hundreds of read-mostly clients while retaining tradi- tional usability, consistency, security, and accountability. 

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OceanStore: An Architecture for Global-Scale Persistent Storage

by J. Kubiatowicz et al., ASPLOS 2000.

OceanStore is a utility infrastructure designed to span the globe and provide continuous access to persistent information. Since this infrastructure is comprised of untrusted servers, data is pro- tected through redundancy and cryptographic techniques. To im- prove performance, data is allowed to be cached anywhere, any- time. Additionally, monitoring of usage patterns allows adapta- tion to regional outages and denial of service attacks; monitoring also enhances performance through pro-active movement of data. A prototype implementation is currently under development. 

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Panache: A Parallel File System Cache for Global File Access

by M. Eshel et al., FAST 2010.

Cloud computing promises large-scale and seamless ac- cess to vast quantities of data across the globe. Appli- cations will demand the reliability, consistency, and per- formance of a traditional cluster file system regardless of the physical distance between data centers.
Panache is a scalable, high-performance, clustered file system cache for parallel data-intensive applications that require wide area file access. Panache is the first file system cache to exploit parallelism in every aspect of its design—parallel applications can access and update the cache from multiple nodes while data and metadata is pulled into and pushed out of the cache in parallel. Data is cached and updated using pNFS, which performs parallel I/O between clients and servers, eliminating the single-server bottleneck of vanilla client-server file ac- cess protocols. Furthermore, Panache shields applica- tions from fluctuating WAN latencies and outages and is easy to deploy as it relies on open standards for high- performance file serving and does not require any propri- etary hardware or software to be installed at the remote cluster.
In this paper, we present the overall design and imple- mentation of Panache and evaluate its key features with multiple workloads across local and wide area networks.

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Nache: Design and Implementation of a Caching Proxy for NFSv4

by A. Gulati et al., FAST 2007.

In this paper, we present Nache, a caching proxy for NFSv4 that enables a consistent cache of a remote NFS server to be maintained and shared across multiple lo- cal NFS clients. Nache leverages the features of NFSv4 to improve the performance of file accesses in a wide- area distributed setting by bringing the data closer to the client. Conceptually, Nache acts as an NFS server to the local clients and as an NFS client to the remote server. To provide cache consistency, Nache exploits the read and write delegations support in NFSv4. Nache enables the cache and the delegation to be shared among a set of local clients, thereby reducing conflicts and improving performance. We have implemented Nache in the Linux 2.6 kernel. Using Filebench workloads and other bench- marks, we present the evaluation of Nache and show that it can reduce the NFS operations at the server by 10-50%.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Scalable Performance of the Panasas Parallel File System

by B. Welch et al., FAST 2008.

The Panasas file system uses parallel and redundant access to object storage devices (OSDs), per-file RAID, distributed metadata management, consistent client caching, file locking services, and internal cluster management to provide a scalable, fault tolerant, high performance distributed file system. The clustered design of the storage system and the use of client- driven RAID provide scalable performance to many concurrent file system clients through parallel access to file data that is striped across OSD storage nodes. RAID recovery is performed in parallel by the cluster of metadata managers, and declustered data placement yields scalable RAID rebuild rates as the storage system grows larger. This paper presents performance measures of I/O, metadata, and recovery operations for storage clusters that range in size from 10 to 120 storage nodes, 1 to 12 metadata nodes, and with file system client counts ranging from 1 to 100 compute nodes. Production installations are as large as 500 storage nodes, 50 metadata managers, and 5000 clients. 

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GPFS: A Shared-Disk File System for Large Computing Clusters

by F. Schmuck et al., FAST 2002.

GPFS is IBM’s parallel, shared-disk file system for cluster computers, available on the RS/6000 SP parallel supercomputer and on Linux clusters. GPFS is used on many of the largest supercomputers in the world. GPFS was built on many of the ideas that were developed in the academic community over the last several years, particularly distributed locking and recovery technology. To date it has been a matter of conjecture how well these ideas scale. We have had the opportunity to test those limits in the context of a product that runs on the largest systems in existence. While in many cases existing ideas scaled well, new approaches were necessary in many key areas. This paper describes GPFS, and discusses how distributed locking and recovery techniques were extended to scale to large clusters.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lustre: A Scalable, High-Performance File System

by Cluster File Systems, Whitepaper 2002.

Today's network-oriented computing environments require high-performance, network-aware file systems that can satisfy both the data storage requirements of individual systems and the data sharing requirements of workgroups and clusters of cooperative systems. The Lustre File System, an open source, high-performance file system from Cluster File Systems, Inc., is a distributed file system that eliminates the performance, availability, and scalability problems that are present in many traditional distributed file systems. Lustre is a highly modular next generation storage architecture that combines established, open standards, the Linux operating system, and innovative protocols into a reliable, network-neutral data storage and retrieval solution. Lustre provides high I/O throughput in clusters and shared-data environments and also provides independence from the location of data on the physical storage, protection from single points of failure, and fast recovery from cluster reconfiguration and server or network outages.

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PVFS: A Parallel File System for Linux Clusters

by P. Carns et al., Linux Conference 2000.

As Linux clusters have matured as platforms for low- cost, high-performance parallel computing, software packages to provide many key services have emerged, especially in areas such as message passing and net- working. One area devoid of support, however, has been parallel file systems, which are critical for high- performance I/O on such clusters. We have developed a parallel file system for Linux clusters, called the Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS). PVFS is intended both as a high-performance parallel file system that anyone can download and use and as a tool for pursuing further re- search in parallel I/O and parallel file systems for Linux clusters.
In this paper, we describe the design and implementa- tion of PVFS and present performance results on the Chiba City cluster at Argonne. We provide performance results for a workload of concurrent reads and writes for various numbers of compute nodes, I/O nodes, and I/O request sizes. We also present performance results for MPI-IO on PVFS, both for a concurrent read/write workload and for the BTIO benchmark. We compare the I/O performance when using a Myrinet network versus a fast-ethernet network for I/O-related communication in PVFS. We obtained read and write bandwidths as high as 700 Mbytes/sec with Myrinet and 225 Mbytes/sec with fast ethernet.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Serverless Network File Systems (xFS)

by T. Anderson et al., SOSP 1995

In this paper, we propose a new paradigm for network file system design, serverless network file systems. While traditional network file systems rely on a central server machine, a serverless system utilizes workstations cooperating as peers to provide all file system services. Any machine in the system can store, cache, or control any block of data. Our approach uses this location independence, in combination with fast local area networks, to provide better performance and scalability than traditional file systems. Further, because any machine in the system can assume the responsibilities of a failed component, our serverless design also provides high availability via redundant data storage. To demonstrate our approach, we have implemented a prototype serverless network file system called xFS. Preliminary performance measurements suggest that our architecture achieves its goal of scalability. For instance, in a 32-node xFS system with 32 active clients, each client receives nearly as much read or write throughput as it would see if it were the only active client.

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Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System

by J. Kistler et al., SOSP 1991

Disconnected operation is a mode of operation that enables a client to continue accessing critical data during temporary failures of a shared data repository. An important, though not exclusive, application of disconnected operation is in supporting portable computers. In this paper, we show that disconnected operation is feasible, efficient and usable by describing its design and imple- mentation in the Coda File System. The central idea behind our work is that caching of data, now widely used for performance, can also be exploited to improve availability. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System (AFS)

by J. Howard et al., ACM ToCS 1988

The Andrew File System is a location-transparent distributed tile system that will eventually span more than 5000 workstations at Carnegie Mellon University. Large scale affects performance and complicates system operation. In this paper we present observations of a prototype implementation, motivate changes in the areas of cache validation, server process structure, name translation, and low-level storage representation, and quantitatively demonstrate Andrew’s ability to scale gracefully. We establish the importance of whole-file transfer and caching in Andrew by comparing its perform- ance with that of Sun Microsystem’s NFS tile system. We also show how the aggregation of files into volumes improves the operability of the system.

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The Sun Network File System: Design, Implementation and Experience

by R. Sandberg, USENIX 1986.


The Sun Network Filesystem (NFS) provides transparent, remote access to filesystems. Unlike many other remote filesystem implementations under UNIX, NFS is designed to be easily portable to other operating systems and machine architectures. It uses an External Data Representation (XDR) specification to describe protocols in a machine and system independent way. NFS is implemented on top of a Remote Procedure Call package (RPC) to help simplify protocol definition, implementation, and maintenance.

In order to build NFS into the UNIX kernel in a way that is transparent to applications, we decided to add a new interface to the kernel which separates generic filesystem operations from specific filesystem implementations. The “filesystem interface” consists of two parts: the Virtual File System (VFS) interface defines the operations that can be done on a filesystem, while the virtual node (vnode) interface defines the operations that can be done on a file within that filesystem. This new interface allows us to implement and install new filesystems in much the same way as new device drivers are added to the kernel.

In this paper we discuss the design and implementation of the filesystem interface in the UNIX kernel and the NFS virtual filesystem. We compare NFS to other remote filesystem implementations, and describe some interesting NFS ports that have been done, including the IBM PC implementation under MS/DOS and the VMS server implementation. We also describe the user-level NFS server implementation which allows simple server ports without modification to the underlying operating system. We conclude with some ideas for future enhancements.

In this paper we use the term server to refer to a machine that provides resources to the network; a client is a machine that accesses resources over the network; a user is a person “logged in” at a client; an application is a program that executes on a client; and a workstation is a client machine that typically supports one user at a time.

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